1. Expedia or cheap tickets or any of those other "discount" ticket places are almost twice what it is when going directly to the airlines we'd like to use.

2. When doing directly to the airlines we'd like to use, they want us to use the internet. I don't like using my credit card on the internet. I don't believe *any* site is "secure". As a matter of fact, I believe "secure web site" is an oxymoron.

3. When I finally DO get a real, live, breathing human being on the telephone, they sound about 14.5 years of age and act like *I'm* the idiot because I need help. The little twerp doesn't seem to grasp the fact that it's *because* I need help, that HE has the job.

4. When I went to the delta.com site, it gave me about 2 dozen "possibilities". I don't want "possibilities", I want an itinerary based upon my needs.

A huge part of the problem is the kids who have the computer help jobs have grown up with computers attached to their hands. They don't realize how difficult it is for a non-computer person to navigate an unknown territory. They become annoyed and short tempered because people like me needs help. And people like me want to reach out and touch them...up close and personal.

Hey Queenie...what's Gweedo's number? <lol> And don't tell him I spelled his name wrong, please, pretty please?