Thanks to each of you who took the time to respond to my Valentines Day post. My hubby came home on Sunday, (2/21) and it took me until Wednesday to get up the courage to talk to him honestly about all I was feeling. The conversation started out with him being quite defensive. Comments like "I did not realize I was such a shi**y husband, and I didn't know you were so horribly miserable." However, by the time our talk was over about 6 hours later, we had come to a meeting of the minds. We were able to discuss many issues that have been under the surface for a long time. I think it will be a long time healing, but he is willing to try and work on it. I count that as a real blessing. He has gone to Oklahoma for a week right now, then on to Lousiana for 3 more weeks. We have talked on the phone everyday and he took the letter I wrote (trying to explain all my feelings) with him to ponder further. With both of us trying, we can regain our past happiness. This has been a very hard period of time for us. He lost his job of 19 years last August, our son got married (to a woman who was pregnant with someone elses baby), I wrecked my van, and with his new job he travels all the time right now! Plus, we have to move all the way to Houston (not my favorite city in Texas). Lots of changes in a short time! We have finished the repairs to our home and it is finally on the market officially as of March 1. We hope we can sell it. About 3 years ago we took the equity in it, refinanced and paid off all our bills except cars and the mortgage. So, this means we have to get top dollar for the house in order to just break even. At the time we refinanced, we had no idea the job would go and so would all our carefully laid plans. Thanks again for your prayers and helpful advice. I appreciate each and every one of you!