Now it's official. We've sent in our deposit and will be on the boat for either 8 days, 7 nights or 9 days, 8 nights...can't really remember and don't need to know right now anyway. <g>

We're really looking forward to this trip. I don't know what it is with boats and me...I dog paddle like a poodle and this will be the second boat trip we've taken since we've been together. The first was a 36' yacht (looked like a boat to me) and we sailed the British Virgin Islands. It was fun except the guy that put the trip together turned out to be a drunk and he spent most of his time either drunk or passed out. While he was getting drunk though, he and I would scream at each other. He threatened to put me ashore (oh yeah, like that's a *bad* thing) and I threatened to have his rear end put into a BVI jail. Needless to say, we stalemated <g>. This guy fancied himself a sailor but he spent more time feeding the fishes than most anything else. Do you think being drunk had anything to do with that? Dave had been attacked by sand fleas and couldn't walk because his feet were so swollen so that left moi to sail the boat. God was good to us; we survived the waves that were washing OVER the boat because the drunk had disobeyed the rules and gone OUTSIDE the islands. The next piece of land was Africa and I couldn't see it from where I was standing. In all my life, I.have.never.thought about hurting someone but I did then. It was oh, so tempting. I'm thankful I was busy steering the boat to do anything I would have (possibly) regretted later.

So...we're getting on yet another boat except this time...there are people to do the work. Praise be to God!