Wonder if they are serving blackberry wine at the wedding?

If so, you could bring you six-shooter and get some target practice. (And have some nice fried chicken too)

Ada was a development named for the developer's daughter. It couldn't be a town because Dags Flats was too nearby (three miles). Dags Flats only had one building (a general store), but since they already had a township designation and a post office, the developer of Ada was out of luck.

The developer tried to convince the storekeeper to move to Ada and change the township name, but he refused.

The storkeeper had a casket for sale in his store and he told everyone the only way he would ever move was when they took him out of there 'daid' in that casket.

Well, the developers got more and more miffed at the storekeeper's stubbornness so one night they all got together and went down to the Dags Flats store. At gunpoint they forced the storekeeper to get inside the casket and they nailed it shut. Then they hooked their horses to the store and drug the building containig the post office, the township sign, and the storekeeper in his casket three miles up the road where they deposited the whole thing in the new developmment and changed the name on the post office/township sign to read "Ada."

When they finally let the storekeeper out of the casket, he was too weak from lack of oxygen to fight so the town of Ada was born.

It's the Oklahoma way.

Almost the same thing happened with the Oklahoma state capital, but that and the hanging are other stories.
