Wow, I too, can't wait to hear about your trips and the great sights you saw.
The Rhine has always been a place on my list of places to go. Can't wait to hear about it.
I am interested in inclusive resorts so make sure you report in Dotsie.

When in Margaritaville watching the Jimmy videos, if you see "One Particular Harbor" video, I am the girl in the yellow dress. I am in and out of the scenes so fast you can't blink or you will miss me but try anyway. I was a very young girl at the time. My ship is featured in the video. Have a margarita for me!

I will be spending most of my summer taking my little cub scout camping along the northeast.

The grand canyon lodge is beautiful and perfectly located. I loved walking down the canyon and nearly killed myself walking out and that was back before I turned 40! Good for you hiking the canyon!
