You had to mention the trip to the hospital didn't you. There's not much to tell. I vomitted until I thought there couldn't possibly be anything left for about 12 hours tsraight. After that, my husband figured that 12 hours without water was probably a bit much and called our insurance company, which told us about an American HOspital in northern Paris where evone spoke English and they would direct bill to my insurance company.

So we headed there. After several hours with the IV fluids and meds, I still coudln;t keep anything down, so they kept me overnight. The next morning I woke up ate some toast and had some pills and kept it down. THen a new doctor came in and wnated to keep one more night (they saw a big fat insurance check I guess) and I was like "like the hell I am" and we broke out of there like the prisoners in the Bastille. Everyone was very nice excpet the Dr. in teh mroning, but once he knew my husband was calling the insurance company about the uneccesarry extra night and whatever other tests they wanted to run, he immediately gave me my prescriptions and walking papers (amzing the change of heart, isn't it?)

As far as the barbed wire in the toilets question. It was encased in the toilet seat. YOu could see it inside the seat part that flips up, but you weren't actually sitting on barbed wire. It was like this in two pubs. I don't know if it's some kind of inside pub joke or what.