We've been married 18 years now, and I guess I'd say one of the most important tips is communication - we actually talk to each other! I know some couples who never seem to talk, he's got his plans, she's got hers - she doesn't know what his schedule is and inevitably there's a conflict and someone's upset.

Most of our talks are around the supper table, when we get home from work and are getting supper ready and we just dump our day out and listen to each other.

I've also learned in all these years, that John is not the type for romantic notes, etc - he shows his love by cleaning house for me when I'm busy, cooking on weekends, looking after me when I'm ill or worrying about me when I drive to the city and I'm not home when he's expecting me........and I can be quite content with that.

Wanted to add to this - was just reading the other day in the bible study I was doing - Beth Moore wrote that she got some advice long ago to "pray to thrill to her husband's touch". Not that I have a problem in that area right now [Razz] but I thought I would paraphrase that prayer to "Lord, may I always thrill to my husband's touch and he to mine"