Thank you Casey for your kind words. I DO care and wish beyond wishing I had an answer, but I don't. (surprise, surprise)

There are many things that I have changed my views on as I have studied and learned, such as drinking isn't wrong, just drinking to excess. There are other things which I won't burden you with, but I believe the reason not many would boycott a movie about alcoholics falling in love, ie. "War of the Roses.." or two depressed people, although there have been movies made featuring depressed alcoholic drug users in relationships....LOL is a simple reason:

There is a grand design for the survival, health and existence of our world. I didn't invent it. I don't control it. I don't monitor it. It is demonstrated for us in the trinity. The family of God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit with Mary as the mother of Christ. They are a family. There is a male, female, and the two equal procreation. It works. We who love and serve God are described as the Bride of Christ. Throughout scripture God exclaims how he hates the sin of homosexuality but gave his own son to die for the homosexual to make a way to a perfect God through him, because it goes against the very nature of God's holy design. He says in the last days of our world, women would lie with another woman as with a man losing their lives in the very depths of their lust for each other and ignoring the laws of nature.

I didn't make it up and those who design their own religions around homosexuality are no different than the ancients religions but have no resemblance to Christianity. God is not a man that He should lie and He can't and won't go against his own word.

Its not hate, its not judgemental, its stated for a fact in both the old and new testaments. I didn't make it up. I'm sorry for anyone who has this problem in their family and for the results it will bring to them from one generation to the next. I'm truly sorry for all of us. I'm not happy for the same sex couple or for their families because I know it will bring nothing but heartache and pain to them from one generation to the next.

The results of sin is death and I'm never happy about that. There IS hope and many have found their way out of homosexuality but it takes a strong faith in God and the knowledge that for their own good and for the good of their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and all their family members, they need to fight it and give their whole being, heart mind and soul the the one who created them in the image of himself. He never meant for anyone to be homosexual. He is the God of love not confusion.

I'm not going to comment any more on this subject as I don't think I could make it any more clear. I care deeply about anyone and all who have a dear one who has this problem. My heart goes out to you, but I can't, won't and never will condone it, sanction it, or say it is normal or natural.

That's my belief and I'm holding to it.