To the Queen,

Yes, I've read some too. Did you read that most of this was because of the plague? People didn't know what to blame this on, so began to think it must be from evil; and evil meant anything that differed from the norm. At that time, there were so many rules, that the slightest infraction was taken as evil. In fact, it evolved into this: that the devil would be sneaky, so the better a woman you were, the more likely it would be that the devil would use you as his instrument in order to fool others. So even if you followed all rules to the letter, you were even more suspicious and could be murdered anyway! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. (Wonder if that's where that came from).....

I wish more would read about the history of the world, instead of taking someone else's account as truth. Even then, history is only written by men (meaning humans, but sadly, not too many women have written history).....
