I am considered the harsh observer in this forum from time to time but this topic like so many has no answer. No matter how we feel about same sex partners it is of no consequence what-so-ever. I judge people, NO I take that back. I accept people on their merit whatever it may be, a firm handshake, a big bright smile and twinkling eyes, kindness, generosity and sincerity. These are what I look for in a person NOT whether they like same sex partners or not. Luckily for me and my family we have a host of good, decent, honest friends and yes, some are gay so what? If there is to be a reckoning one day because of ones sexual make-up, let God sort it out. It is not our business to try and do so. Least we be judged for our differences whatever they may be.... [Wink] Live and let live is a good motto!