I don't mean to cover the Don Knotts thread but I find this topic of homosexuality interesting.

When I was young it was called "queer" and we had these stupid rules that if you wore green or pink on Thursday, you were a queer. The word gay didn't turn up until years later.

My former BIL seemed somewhat feminine in high school. He was always in school plays and chorus and didn't wear Levi's like the other guys but dress pants. He was heavily involved in church activities and my sister's only requirement in a future husband was that he was a Christian.

He was somewhat dramatic and flamboyant but he could make me laugh harder than anyone. We used to torment each other on family trips.

But, he led a double life and was involved in sex groups with same sex and different sex and ended up HIV. It all went downhill after that.

In the 60's, we never really thought or believed that people were gay. Of course, back then they had to keep it a secret while today, it's almost a prideful thing.

I know gay men who are very masculine and you would never know. I know gay men who walk like women and are very feminine in their talk and walk.

I don't judge gay people. I had grown so tired of it while growing up in a family that judged everyone and I refuse to do it anymore. I'm just curious about some of these things.