This year when asked by our hubbies, "What do you want for Christmas?", let's be honest. Several years ago a friend was complaining to me because her husband always gave her crappy gifts for her birthday, anniversary, and Christmas. "Well, does he ever ask you what you want?", I asked. She told me that he did and she always said something doesn't matter, I'll take anything, we need new pots and pans, whatever. Well no wonder she got dumb gifts...that's what she asked for! Then she found fault with him for buying them. Always being the one to think before I speak (yeah right), I told her she was CRAZY! Sorry, but I think we should tell them EXACTLY what we want. Not only do we then have a chance at getting it, it may make their shopping easier too. I retain that honesty is the best policy. Our husbands can't be expected to know what we want...yes, of course we think they SHOULD, but maybe after a few times of telling them, they will know! So, what are you asking for this year?