This is indeed an interesting conversation. I think it is something that plagues women. In our early days I had to pick up after my husband, now he keeps his things up. You see, he is an over the road driver. He comes home and does his laundry (not because I won't but because he knows what he wants for the week). He almost never leaves his stuff laying out or about the house, he puts them where he's comfortable with them, in their place.

I have gotten used to not having to do his laundry, fold his clothes for his luggage. He comes home and we can enjoy our time together rather than me being irritated at having to spend the time doing his clothes and such. I know it sounds different, but it is the idea that we want to spend time together, so the little things don't mean as much as they did when we were younger.

My son and daughter in law share the responsibility of the house and chores. Matter of fact, he's the better cook and cleans the house better, but they mostly do it together. I am glad about that because it helps when sharing goes on in a marriage even on the small things.

I remember telling him when it seemed everything bothered me or made me mad--it's not going to be the big things that would ruin a marriage but the everyday little things that bug you to death. After that we worked lots of things out about sharing household things.

Hope that helps. Just my ramblings and opinions.