Dianne, you're right too. If you truly love your husband and if he treats you with kindness and respect, it probably is a gift of love to him to pick up after him. If he smeared peanut butter all over the countertop and dropped bread crumbs all over the floor and left a potty ring for you to scrub...it might take the silver out of the cloud though.

I guess what I'm hearing is that we should all feel the freedom in our relationships to choose whether or not to give this gift of love and appreciation.

I thought of something this morning that I had forgotten. I once took what I thought was a dorky class on marriage and relationships. In this class though we were given this analogy of a love tank. They said each of us had a love bank and that its up to the spouse to fill it with words, compliments, thoughtfulness, respect, etc. It was said that if our spouse makes too many withdrawals from the love bank without making any deposits to it, it becomes overdrawn. When its overdrawn, picking up smelly socks is a chore and not a gift of love. I know my love bank is empty right now and I'm happy for those whose love bank accounts are full.