Well, Di,

Has it occurred to you that maybe Jesus hasn't any part in this scenario at all? It seems to me, that this is a simple problem. Your husband does not pick up after himself because he doesn't have to. You do it. In my estimation, Jesus doesn't need any cleaning up, so you are not "cleaning up for Jesus"; he's already a stand-up, clean-freaky kind of guy. It really is your husband that needs to get the picture.

You are not his Mother. The two of you need to get this idea firmly in your heads....Both of you. You both need to understand that this is a partnership, not a one-way-street. And, in my view, it is NOT your job to take care of your husbands messes, but to help each other take care of your lives together - meaning firstly your responsibilities toward one another and your household, and secondly your spiritual responsibilites to each other. Not necessarily in that order.

Remind yourself that a man such as Jesus would never expect anyone to clean up after him. He was known to "clean up" after others........(I am referring to spiritual "messes", but any mess will do).

If I sound exhaperated (sp? for sure), I am sorry to say that this is how I feel. Di, my dear girl, these are problems that do not take religion to solve...save those for the truly important matters of earth.....Somebody help me here!!!!! Hear all you Faithful Ones out there and help this girl out!!!

I don't mean to make small of your problem. This is no small problem. But it can be solved more readily by common sense than by references to Jesus. Honest.

Well, I'll try to be more concrete with my advice in the future, short of that, I hope someone here will come to your aid.
