Today, I had the privilege of honoring a young man on his return home accompanied by his twin brother from the war in Iraq. Unfortunately, he came home in a coffin. This has hit me hard because I knew his Mom and I knew him when he was small. His Mother is my sister in law's best friend, their children grew up together and went to school together. I hadn't seen them in several years, but I felt that I needed for myself to attend his visitation. I wasn't even sure if his sister and Mom would recognize me.
But my sister in law knew I was there, as well as my nephews and niece and my brother. Cheryl did recognize me and was glad that I came as I explained that I had come to support her as well as all of our troops. I was able to hold the hand of Jeremy's twin brother Jason, and I looked him in the eye and told him to please not believe everything that he heard through the media. There are those of us who do support them and do recognize the sacrifice that they are making and the changes that are coming about because they are there. I told him that I was proud of him and his brother as well as the ones that are serving all over the world. I looked at Cheryl and thought "there but through the grace of God, go I" Yes, I recognize that someday it could be me standing in front of a church full of people and accepting condolances while standing near a flag draped coffin. If sometime that does happen, I know will give the grace and the courage to face it, just as he has given my friend Cheryl that grace and courage.

Thanks for listening to me, I have four of our 5 children are involved in the military, my son is on a ship headed to Iraq even now. I am proud of him and every single man and woman who are serving our country at this time of need. If someone before them, had not sacrificed and given their lives on foreign soil, we would not even be where we are today. I thank God for them and for their courage, especially the Korean veterans who are largely forgotten, and the Viet Nam vets who were reviled and spit on and called "baby killers" when they came home. Again, if you know a Veteran, thank him or her, because of them we are able to live as we do, write what we want, vote for whom we want, and generally have all the freedom that many of the world do not have.

Sorry I ranted, just feeling something very strongly tonight due to Jeremy's death.

Thanks for your support,
