As you all know,I'm a new step-grandma for about 4 months now. So, since I am already different, I want to start taking steps now by continuing to be different in baby Grace's life.

I also think that, if DH were still single, he'd just be traditional, so I need to put some pizzaz into this!

First thing we'll do (DH has approved) is to celebrate Grace's half birthdays. A friend's daughter was born on Jan 11 in 1980, but the daugther always missed out since it was so close to Christmas every year. She still celebrates half birthdays for her, today. And continues it with her 4 grandchildren!

So, since Grace was born Jan 30, July 30 will be her 1/2 birthday. I'm sure her other Grandma (bio-Mom to DSD) will "go all out" for her traditional b'day, I want Grace to have "special time" to look forward to each year with her Grandpa and Step-grandma (not sure what she will call me yet!) I want to start by buying a 6 month-outfit for her. Then find a July-birthday item and write a note on it. Any other ideas?

I was wondering if any other grandmas out there have "dared to be different". I'd love to hear your stuff!!