Thanks Dotsie! There are public computers with Internet access at the resort we stay at, but it's expensive and very slow. Up until this year, I haven't had any reason to need Internet access while away. Now I don't know what I'm going to do without BWS for four weeks! I might have to get online once a week just to keep in touch.

Once we're in the hot sun and gazing at the ocean from those warm sandy beaches, we tend to crash headlong into long, lazy, hazy days. We lose all track of time (except when it's suppertime!) Everything else just slips into the back of our minds, not to reappear again until we're on the airplane putting our longjohns and heavy sweaters back on over our tank tops and shorts! That used to be a real problem when I was working full-time as the computer network administrator, because my brain would still be so lazy and sun-fried, it would take me a few days to reacclimatize and be able to think again!

My ex-boss hated it when I went to Cuba for vacation...partly because he couldn't phone me there or call me back from vacation (because you can't just up and leave Cuba anytime you want to) (which was a huge part of why we went there in the first place) and partly because it took me a few days to get myself back into the job.