Last day of grandbeauty sitting --

The kids should be almost half way home by now -- we decided to stay at our house last night as the puppy is forgetting all her housebreaking training and the other two dogs have bags under their eyes from not sleeping well at night

All went pretty well last night -- but this morning has been a little hectic -- with the energy level of everyone being just a tad high [Razz] I live in a smaller modular home -- it once fit my husband and I and our two small dogs but seems to shrink daily with this new puppy. I swear she lays down for a nap and wakes up bigger ! Anyway - after Belle shared her breakfast with the dogs [Eek!] and I got my husband off to play tennis (HE OWES ME BIG TIME [Smile] ) I decided that the best way to solve everyones problem - well -- MINE -- was to bring out the ole play pen -- NOOooo not for ME [Smile]

soooo at this particular moment - Belle is sitting in her playpen watching Sesame Street -- puppy has finally worn herself out trying to climb IN the playpen with her and I have 2 minutes to myself to hurry and post this before everyone realizes they arent the center of my attention [Big Grin]

One nice thing about all this is that I have NO TIME for work -- so I get a few minutes to sneak in here and check up on you ladies [Cool]

Gotta run -- puppy just found the clean clothes basket - so now I have to wash them all again - just as soon as I gather my husbands underwear from the porch and his sock from under the bed [Eek!]