I do love being with Belle [Smile] This isn't the first time we've had her for a few days in a row but she was much younger the last time.

The energy of a two year old is just unbelievable ! She's "testing" me alot - seeing what she can get away with -- but it's like riding a bike -- you never forget that "moms voice".

One great thing about this last few days -- I ALMOST have her vocabulary down [Razz] I still have to guess at a few of words but she's learned to grab my finger and just take me over to what she wants [Big Grin] she just melts me when she says "Ohhh Grandma" in that "ohhh silly you" tone of voice

What was frustrating about yesterday was I PLANNED AHEAD -- you know -- not like when I was young and just plowed ahead [Smile] Put the dog gate up - made sure I had everything in hand so I wouldnt have to go back in the house - left the puppy at home so I only had to deal with one baby at a time -- so what happened [Big Grin] Just goes to show you -- life is unpredictable

What I didn't tell you about all this is that because the dogs got out and put me behind that 15 min -- we may very well have missed the terrible car accident that happened just shortly before we got there [Eek!] our guardian angel watching over us once again [Smile]

But now I've had a good nights sleep and I'm raring to go -- I may actually make it until NOON today !! [Big Grin]