My DIL has a personality disorder. Truly. She talks of no one but herself (not even her kids ages 5 and 2). She is ALWAYS sick or hurt and is unable to hold a job because of her illnesses. That is all she talks about. She does not like our family - mostly me. Last time i had the 5-year-old over (for a tea party with my nieces girls) she called and said if I didn't have her back by a certain time, she would call the police and have me put in jail!! My son has no cahunas. They live 5 miles away and we see the children maybe 6-10 times a year. It is absolutely dreadful. They are our only grandchildren and he is our only son. We have 3 adopted girls which my DIL won't consider her husbands sisters. Although they have been here since they were one (now 30, 18 and 13).
We've always had a close, fun family.