Thank you all for your prayers. Mom started to recover from the broken leg and then about 10 days ago perhaps had a stroke. Her personality is changed, can't remember simple things like chewing and using a spoon, very discouraged, finds it takes too much energy to talk in complete sentences (this from a woman who got a B.A. in political science from the University of Chicago in 1937). She just wants to "have lunch with Jesus". It is very painful to see her this way. I think we are just praying for release for her although that may not come anytime soon. All quality of life is gone. Both my daughter (28) and I are finding it very difficult to visit's so sad and she resists efforts even to have us help feed her. The only bright spot in all of this is that my son is speaking to me again because of the tragedy and I'll see my grandsons sometime in September. So appreciate your continuing prayers for our family. My daughter and I just tried out tonight for the Christmas musical (big deal professional type production) maybe that will be an upper for us. Take care all, Karen