My stepfather (also 91) died mid-July and then 10 days ago my mother fell and snapped her femur in two. I didn't think she'd survive the surgery a week ago, but the good Lord decided it wasn't time for her to go yet. She kept saying she wanted to have "lunch with Jesus". She has been a devote Christian all of her life (as have I) and sometimes it is hard to understand about this kind of suffering. So I ask your prayers for both of reduce her pain, help restore her mind (very foggy from medications), and some serenity for me as I go through this while working full-time. The silver lining was that my 32 year old son who had not been talking to me for several months called when he found out about his Grandma and allowed me to talk to my sweet little grandson. And my darling daughter (28) returned from France for good and is living with me (the cat just wasn't a very good listener!!) My prayers for all of you on this forum too. Karen