If you need more support (and since you don't have health insurance) you might try attending a Twelve Step program like Al Anon (it's for family of alcoholics but great for anyone who is in a situation they can't control and feeling that their own life has become unmanageable). It's free ($1 in the basket if you have it), good people, lots of support. Also any local Family Service agency, Catholic Social Services, Lutheran Social Services--all provide professional help on a sliding scale basis. I've been in similar places in my life and even though I am a professional therapist myself found great strength in Al Anon. It's helped me through very tough times over twenty years, including facing the death of my mother (the nurses called and it should be today or tomorrow). Here in California, if people need to be off work, there is a State Disability program. I'm not sure there is anything similar in your state?? But my prayers are with you. Karen