Depends upon what you mean by "cook"...

I do all the baking but it's usually in the winter when the heat from the oven can be appreciated. Last night we had a salad with cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts, garbanzo beans, olives, feta cheese, olive oil and herbs; rosemary & olive bread toasted & brushed with olive oil and then covered with brie and farmer's cheese.

I don't suppose that's exactly cooking but it was sure good and good for us!

I'm making a peach pie tomorrow and will probably get a loaf or two of homemade bread made. I've got chicken in the freezer and will stick that in the crock pot for supper. Chicken, that old tomatoe salad from last night and biscuits should make for a good supper tomorrow night. I actually don't care much for chicken but my MIL does so I fix it for her a few times a year.

Dave doesn't like crock pot food but I do so when I cook I will, a lot of times, use the crock pot. Dave likes to grill <UG. me man. me grill. me like fire.> He would *kill* me if he knew I'd written that! HAHAHAHAHA so I'm living dangerously!

For breakfast I'll fix oatmeal...btw, in Russia I had some kind of porridge every morning...LOVE those Russian breaksfasts! or some other kind of hot cereal <9 grain> or my homemade granola cereal or fresh baked muffins. A few years ago I won $200 from Betty Crocker for my 9 grain muffins; those are pretty good. we still cook. Yeah, I suppose I do. I like to eat though and if I eat junk I plump up like a whale but not as graceful.

I do like those Dove ice cream bars though but that's not junk food. It's health food because if I don't get at least a couple a week someone is gonna die.

And it ain't gonna be ME.