I like the idea of God's signal lights. For me the light is almost always yellow. In almost all situations I have to proceed with caution and with prayer.
The message of the Bible is Love and I believe God loves me as a parent loves a child only more. As my heavenly parent, He wants me to have every desire of my heart except what will harm me.
If I desire something, first I must determine that it is truly a desire of my heart and not of my ego or someone else’s expectation of me. Then knowing it is God's Will I must persevere in my pursuit of it unless it is impossible.
When obstacles appear, as they always do, I know God will help me surmount them if what I want will not harm me. If the obstacle is of God it Might be to help me appreciate the joy of having the desire of my heart more. Or an obstacle could be Satan’s attempt to deprive me of a blessing. If I overcome the obstacle, I believe it was Satan, but if I fail to overcome it, I believe it was a sign from God that what I desired was not his will because it would ultimately have hurt me.

When we are attempting something that is truly our heart’s desire, we shold persevere. God loves us enough to give us the desires of our heart and to make it impossible to have what will hurt us.
I just have to move forward knowing that God loves me and wants me to be happy and that He will protect me from all evil.

[ July 18, 2004, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]