OK! Number 3 is the lie.

I attended my last 2 years of high school in Taiwan. President and Madame Chang Kai Shek did own a home on Yan Min Shan (Grass Mountain) and I did enjoy meeting them and sharing tea at a lawn party at their home when I was a senior in high school.

My Dad (a career Army officer, Corps of Engineers) was stationed in Alaska (Fort Richardson, outside Anchorage) in the late 50's. We were invited to go on a dog sled ride by one of the locals. My mother got on the sled first with her legs out in front of her. I sat in front of her with her legs on either side of me. We still can't figure out how, when the dogs really got going fast, she fell off and I didn't...

And, in case any of you writers are wondering...I do want to write a book about my many past experiences...just can't seem to get started!