Okay...one last one...I just can't part with the exLAX story right now...so this one will have to do.

I was married and my hubby had a demanding boss. Just when you thought it was safe to breathe, this jerk could call the house and always huffing and puffing wanting my hubby to hurry up and get to the phone. Well, I was no UNimpressed with him that I didn't give him much concerned.

He called one day though when for a change, I was in a huff and trying desperately to get to the grocery store (a new one) before they closed.

He said, "Hey there...is Dave around? I need to---" before he could start his spill, I said, hold on, I'll get him, sorry...but I'm in a rush to go to the pubic store." Dead silence....I was annoyed. I said, LOUDER, "Did you hear me? I've got to run to the Pubic store and he's outside, so hold on, okay?"....I hear snickering...then chuckling...then between the heehawing he managed, "yeah...hahaha...yeah..fine...teehee. Oh heck, just tell him hahahah...to call me here....wahhhooooo....at the office." He hung up.

It hit me. I had said "pubic" instead of PUBLIX which was the name of the new grocery store. Now why the devil did they put a X on the end of the store's name anyway? It threw me off every time!

Anyway, I refused to go out to eat with his boss for a long time. Good grief...