I don't have my own kids, but have been (and still am) very involved in the care and feeding of many nieces, nephews and friends' children. My brother's youngest is now 15, and I am CONSTANTLY asking her just what the heck she is trying to prove with the hair (green, this week), the pants (TOO BIG and TOO LONG and TOO TOO!), the shoes (untied if tieable, WAYYYY too high if not, and CLUNKY!!), and the attitude (I won't even GO there!). Thank God she isn't into any tattooing or piercing YET, but I guess it is just a matter of time.

I actually am more worried about her weight than anything. I see her as I could not see myself when I was young, and I regret that I didn't get a handle on my own body image when I was her age. She is overweight and just isn't at all interested in doing anything about it. Of course, nobody could tell me anything then either. Wish I was 15 again and know what I know now, let me tell you!