
I know we've talked of this before, but yesterday, thinking of you, I laughed out loud at work. Because, as I was speaking to some people, I actually HEARD myself say, "yahh, surrrre". I turned to the woman and said, "Did you just hear my North DAkota accent?" and she replied "You betcha!" and I know because my sister has lived there for 10 years!!!. (and I'm sure you know, people from ND and Mn all talk alike, they're all Norskies)...So I thought of you and was wondering just how long it will take you.......My wager is a year and a half....maybe less. Anyone else want to anti up?

Chick, If I'm not wealthy enough by next year to go play at a ski lodge with Sam, we should get together!!!! Well, even if I am!. Especially if I am!!!! We could do the soup kitchens, and THEN go the lodge - how 'bout it? I worked this year , both days, and Sam is sick as a dog with congestion and a very sore throat - and living with his girlfriend, so I was alone too...(LOL , SHE had to take care of him for a change [that's a really weird feeling for me -, but I kinda' liked it! and kinda' not]but tonite he called to ask how he should clear up his ears, which I thought was pretty funny, coming from a 25 year old , but actually glad he did. I'm still needed sometimes!!! And needed just for a phone call about so;me advice is pretty liberating!!!

Anyhow, no sense in two Boomer sisters both being alone at any time, but esp. at Christmas....We should just plan ahead. Let's see, we've got 363 days......