Dotsie, here's my entry. I've always been overweight. But in the last few years, the weight crept up higher and higher, with nothing stopping it. I tried shakes, powders, power bars and more, but nothing seems to break the barrier. Then, along came BWS and a little forum for dieters. Little did I know I'd just found the secret to my weightloss. Accountability. We wrote every day what our food intake was, careful to watch what we ate as we knew we'd be reporting it soon to the others on the forum. Little by little, my intake decreased and my feeling about my body increased.
Month after month went by, I noted little changes here and there. Losing a pound here, a few pounds there, the weight came off almost consistently.
Three months turned into six months and six months turned into eight then nine. Before I knew it I had lost 50 pounds. My success was a success for Dotsie and her BWS forum. Without the support of the other women on the diet forum, I wouldn't have had the courage to stick it out. Thank you BWS, thank you Dotsie. For giving me a life back that I thought I'd lost forever.