GET OUT!!! How cool is winning...WAAAAAY KEWL! Yep, it's been raining and raining and raining...a real frog strangler. Rained enough today to flood things...again.

Thank YOU Dotsie! I am looking forward to the cards and do appreciate them. I need to send a thank you to the director of the US State Dept, should I use "your" cards? <g>

I did a demonstration at the local feed store, I like helping out small biz owners. Met the Purina rep and asked him if he had a comparable feed to the grocery store Purina One. He does and is giving me the first bag free - how kind. I feed our 3 dogs plus strays <shhhh...don't spread the word...I think we've a unicorn flying above the farm that only animals can see> so a bag of dog food comes in very handy. I keep dog food in the vehicles and when I see strays I <a> give them a free meal and <b> call our local dog warden. An easy death is preferable to a hard one, imo.

Say JawJaw - send me your snail mail addy by off-line e-mail and I'll send you some farm cards.

Hey Dotsie - I'm not trying to step on toes but if you'd like some farm cards as a gift one month, I'd be happy to donate some. Just let me know and I can either mail them to you or to your winner.

Thank you WommenFriends, I'm feeling sorta pleased with myself...and all I did was "talk".