I have two.

Michael (26) He is a police officer in Washington D.C. I really wish he would change his line of work but he is destined to work in some type of public servant capacity.

He started as a fire fighter cadet when he ws 14, became and EMT at 16 and then joined the police department a few years ago. He is such a good kid.

9/11 really changed him and made him grow up fast. He worked as an EMT at Liberty Park during the entire week following the tradegy. My husband and I were in Maine when it happened. I still remember the tone in my son's voice as he relayed what was going on. I knew in that first phone call he had been changed forever. That was a lot for a 21 year old to deal with.

I always tell him he should have been a radio DJ. He never shuts up and he is funny. He always makes me laugh. He is 6'1 and I am 5'3. Whenever I yell at him he kisses me on the top of my head and tells me how short I am.

Sarah (24) is a middle school history teacher, way too serious about life and much more conservative than I could ever be. She looks like she is 14 and gets annoyed when she gets carded. I told her she will be thankful for her genes when she turns 40.

I remember one day when she came home and told my husband and I that she now knows why we never sided with her and usually took her teachers side. LOL It's funny to hear a 24 year old complain about the laziness of the 12 year olds.

Whenever Michael comes home to visit, I get the "favorite kid is home" speech. I tell her I have no favorites, both of you aggravate me.

She must have 9 lives. I almost miscarried when I was 5 months pregnant with her then she was born a month early. She was due in January but made it in time for Christmas and an extra year of a tax deduction. I tell her she is just as impatient now as she was in the womb.

As a baby, she was allergic to milk and dehydrated when she was 5 months old and had to be hospitialized. At 5 years of age she fell head first from the top a sliding pond. At 17 she was sitting in traffic on a major roadway, was slammed into by a Chevy Tahoe and her car flipped over twice, fortunately she came through it with minor body damage.

It's funny because she always thinks that her brother is the favorite kid, yet I have to admit that the close calls she has had have secured a place in my heart that Michael never had to compete with.