smile, I was a match maker when I was younger. I guess I've given up on it as I've gotten older. However, I do see lots of teens coming and going in my home and I'd like to do some match making with them. [Razz] Knowing my limits with my kids...I keep that to myself! [Wink]

Chatty, with age comes wisdom and I think we're learning there are some women who are happier without the unhappy marriage which usually consisted of a selfish man. I tell my kids that you can't be married and be selfish. It doesn't work. Both partners should try to outdo the other with kindness. Those are the best marriages. How many of those have you witnessed?

One of the beauties of being at midlife is realizing that beauty and happiness comes from within (and in my case from a relationship with Jesus Christ). Men aren't the answer.

I wish I had seen the author on television. The book is such a good, quick read and I would think it's an an eye opener for young people because of the way the media promotes sexuality and falling in love so easily today. I highly recommend it. Standards! Whatever happened to them? I might have to bring it up in the Singlehood Forum.