Finding the right person for ourselves and seeing loved ones find their right person is such a blessing.

I just finished a fun quick read.
he's just NOT that into you, by greg behrendt and liz tuccillo.

It was awesome. Greg is a consultant for Sex and the City and Liz is a writer for the show. I still haven't seen that show though I've heard lots about it.

The subtitle is The No Excuse Truth to Understanding Guys.

Women write Greg and share their dating situations and Greg replies, If that's how he treats you...he's just not that into you... along with a legnthy explanation of why. He's brutal, but very honest. Women are in some of the oddest relationships thinking guys will change.

Liz responds at the end of the chapters and explains to Greg why women stick with guys and how his advice can't always be so cut and dry. Greg humiliates her(she's 41 and still single)but she knows there is truth in his words. She wants to listen to him, but can't.

It's a cute little book jam-packed with wisdom about the opposite sex. I can only think that if our generation of women listened to his advice the divorce rate would be much lower.

Greg can't understand why women settle for second best. After reading his book, neither can I.

I might have to post aboaut this in the book forum, but the happy couples listed above made me think to share here. [Wink]