Call for Submissions

Hello Everyone!

Have you ever dreamed of being published? Would you like to be able to say that you were a contributor to an anthology on adoption? If selected, your contribution will bring a voice to literally thousands of Birthmothers, Adoptive mothers and Adopted daughters across the country.

Please join Paula Schmitt in contributing to her upcoming book, Adoption Journey: Birthmothers, Adoptive Mothers and Adopted Daughters Share Their Stories. Contributors whose stories are included in the book will receive a byline, if requested, and a copy of the book upon publication. If chosen, your essays/stories may be edited for spelling, clarity and space. Please feel free to forward this query to your family, friends and other groups.

Thanks for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing back from you. The deadline for submissions is June 20, 2005. Please send your emails to: