On this day, I find myself missing my own mom more than any other day. She was one of the strongest influences in my life. Not because she was my mom, but because of all the sacrifices that she made for her children. We were poor, course we didn't know we were at the time. Six kids and only my step dad worked. We took turns to get new shoes or clothes. She would make most of what we had because store-bought items were out of the question. I look back now and it saddens me to think my mom never got to splurge on anything for herself. Most of her clothes were bought at yard sales or thrift shops. But, you never heard her complain. She was always full of fun and singing. She loved to sing while she did housework or cooking. She was always at the door when we returned in the afternoon from school. She wanted to know everything we did and how we felt. It was a special time when we'd all sit around her and take turns telling her about our day. And we'd immitate things that had happened and she'd laugh with us.

I've tried to be the same kind of mom to my own children and grand-kids. I hope that after I'm gone, they can say that I did it the best that I could and that it made a difference in their life