Wow, Lynn, you've sold hundreds of books at a time at speaking engagements? Where are you speaking?!? That's fantastic.

I'm sure that I read that figure about 70 - 100 books on the Lulu forum, but I just reposted it again asking people about that. It does sound pitifully low, doesn't it? But there are some people who publish POD, and only plan to distribute the book to their friends and families. Others have greater aspirations but and up with a whole stack of books in their basement. I know several people like that.

Anyway, I was in yesterday's paper and the article took up one third of the page! It was awesome but I haven't seen any effect on sales so far. Also, I have not been able to get a copy of the online article because I have to be a seven-day subscriber to the newspaper to access it. A friend of mine is going to help me out with that this week, so hopefully, I'll be able to share a link to the article soon.

Is everyone watching the Oscars tonight? I'm just doing my regular stuff on my machine. In fact, I created a new blog although I'm already inundated with paperwork :-)

Best, Sigrid