Lynn, I'm reposting the information about me being on the news. I had put it on another thread. But before you read that, allow me to say that I totally agree about wanting to have control over my own web site. Also the AH "web site" is nothing more than a link to the page on their bookstore where I wrote all the material!

Blogs are really cool. I have set up My Events
blogs in such a way that it is chronological and I have allowed people to make comments, although no one has commented yet... Will be very interested to see your web site when you finish. TTYA, Sigrid

Just wanted to let everyone here know that tonight I will be on the nightly news on CJOH TV starting at 11:30 p.m. I will be interviewed
by Leigh Chapel on the Focus section and the show will air again tomorrow at 6 a.m. Unfortunately, it is just a local show but it will reach 80,000 viewers! And if anyone has satellite TV, they can catch it.

Just thought I would blow my own horn, as usual :-) Man, I am my own best promoter. LOL. :-)

I already taped the show earlier this evening. I think it went pretty well -- I didn't say anything particularly brilliant but I didn't run out of the room screaming either.

Hope that some of you can catch it. I will be talking about my book on hip replacements and the problems with our health-care system here in Canada.