Lynn, I just logged in here to tell you that I read the Author House magazine yesterday and I saw that they featured your book! How ironic that you would have posted that very information to tell me. Awesome :-) Your book looks great and now it will get a lot more hits. WTG!!

To answer your other post, Yes, I have found that a blog can work perfectly well as the traditional web site. I have four web sites; three are blogs and one is not. Blogs are free! It's easy to add links to them and you can set them up in such a way that you just keep reediting your same one post and don't date it. That's what I do with my hip page. I think it was a total waste of money for me to have gotten the professional looking web site from AH because I can't edit it at all, and it was expensive.

TTYS, Sigrid

P. S. Read my new notice about me being on the nightly News tonight! Very exciting.