Lynn, I want to answer this backwards because I forgot to answer your other question about traditional publishing. That's because I write too much! I want to sell at least 1000 copies of my book before I approach the traditional publishers. I understand that it's almost impossible to get an agent or a regular publisher to take you on if you are a newcomer without an established sales record. Also, I have no desire whatsoever to endlessly edit my first book according to someone else's concept of how it should look.

Regarding your second note -- you had breast cancer, too? OMG! That's too much for one person.

I was forced to wait the 18 months because that's how long it takes to get in line here and wait your turn. During the last four months of my wait, I was dependent on narcotics every day, was in outrageous pain, and feared falling over every time I took a step on my cane. It was a disgrace. I met many people at the local swimming pool -- when I could swim, earlier on in my wait -- who fell over and broke their hips while they were waiting. That seemed to be the only way to get the surgery. The problem there is that there's a much higher risk of fatality after a hip fracture, not to mention the fact that it hurts like crazy to break your hip!

Have you considered the traditional publishing route with your trauma book?
