Dear Lynn,

You're so brave! I just checked your book out on Amazon. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through. Often, survivors don't want to go public with their stories. I really respect you for doing that. Way to go!

I spent some time working as a research assistant at my local university in the psychology department. I analyzed data related to sexual abuse. It was a hard job. Sometimes, I'd go in on Saturdays and I'd be all by myself and I'd cry reading the stories in the files :-(
Then I'd be amazed at the tenacity and resilience of the women and men who bounced back.

Yeah, I had a tough time with AuthorHouse, which is why I'm teaching myself how to do formatting. It's foreign to me, too, but I'm not finding it that difficult yet. I really don't want to publish my second book with them.

How are you doing with your trauma book? I imagine that a lot of women's centers and women's bookstores would be interested in it.

Best of luck :-)