It's kind of strange, when my 1st son left home I thought I'd die but had to push him out because he felt taking care of me was his job. Then my 2nd. son left and came back again and so did the 1st son. All in all for a few years my home was like a revolving door and at times they not only came home they brought a girlfriend. Well, my 2nd son has been gone now for nearly 9 years, with no contact what-so-ever. I am finally over worrying about him and his problems, his choices. But my eldest son who just bought a new home, now wants me to move in with him and his family. I mentioned this before and now again to show that they come and they go but if the love is strong enough, they are always with you. Oh and I have decided not to move in with my son. My home is quite large and I love rambling around in it, eating if, when and what I want, or not. Sleeping late if I choose to or dreaming a story and jumping up at 4:00 AM to type notes into the computer. I guess I am enjoying my independence. Have faith ladies and be proud of your children being able to head out into this big, bad world of ours and do just fine...I am my sons safety net, once their grown thats all we can be. [Razz]