Hello ladies,

I've been reading this post, absorbing every word. (Well, almost every word.)

As some of you know, I have been absent from the boards so that I might endulge in a big old pity party. A mean and nasty editor sucked the wind right out of my sails and I just couldn't write a word. Actually, still can't. When I sit down to write, I stare at my computer screen and think about how "unfunny" I am.

Prill, I am anxious to get your book. I plan on ordering it this week. It isn't just that I want to read it, but rather at this point I feel like I have to. I need to hear the stories these women have to tell. At forty, I've had that sinking feeling for the last week or so that I am all I will ever be.... and that thought just kills me.

I know writer's should have thick skin, but I think my skin is wearing a little thin in places. I'm hoping your book will light a fire under my behind, so to speak.

And BTW.... some of you lovely Boomer ladies sent me some very encouraging email. You've been lovely and thoughtful and when I say I am blessed to have found this website, it's not just empty words. You all truly make this place like a cyber kitchen table!

Love to you....