Okay, JJ, Louisa may be right about that 'way down yonder' stuff. I mean she got a whole state named for her for heaven's sake. But I bet that Boom Boom Freddie guy stole 'way down yonder' from Woody.

On to Dots,
The word "Enthusiasm" in your post reminded me of something. I once wrote grants for a large university. The bored academic types all made fun of me for being so enthusiastic for whatever project I was working on at the time. Well, I was young and trying to fit in and so I decided to try to curb my enthusiasm. But first, I decided to look it up in an Oxford Dictionary. It wasn't the definition that surprised me. It was the derivation.
The 'En' part of enthusiasm comes is from the Latin suffix for 'inside' and the 'iasm' part is from the latin for 'showing or exhibiting'. But the most important part of the word is the 'thus' part which comes from 'Theos' which is the term for God. Therefore the word "Enthusiasm" literally means "Showing God Inside."
Hey, who doesn't want more of that? Let's DO IT!!

[ August 29, 2004, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]