One of my favorite hobbies is reading the classifieds, real estate magazines, and viewing properties via the web. It has always been my dream to own a small parcel w/ home and a place for a horse. Although I presently own a small home about 1 mile from a stable, I must first complete my education before buying a horse.

I've thought of boarding and may initually do that, but thought having house, barn, horse and animals on one parcel would not only be cost effective, but also allow me to see my horse everyday -- hands on!

Anywho, as I carouse the ads, I will occassionally call the listing agent. Yet, the agent always promises to call back or email me w/ info, yet never does. I've even left messages w/ realtors who never return the calls. I've actually seen two properties I'd love to buy (even if I must buck 2 mortgages until the other is sold), but they never return the calls. Honestly, I've never trusted realtors. A couple realtors I've put on the carpet and they try to change the subject to "Well, I thought you said . . . " and I'll politely say "No, this is what we discussed . . ."

Maybe this is God's way of saying no to me (He may have another plan or this is not the right time), maybe I'm rushing, or perhaps I'm right . . . Realtors are no better than car salesmen (persons).

Have any of ya'll had similar situations w/ realtors?