You certainly have burdens to bear. You have already had so much to deal with. I really feel for you dear.

Okay...so you don't have to worry about when your time for the home comes, here's the deal. Make sure you and I are in the same ward of the nursing home. More than likely, I'll still be cracking jokes and entertaining the other inmates. We can get matching wheelchairs, and wear funny hats! We can pretend we can sing and be the...um...Blooming Boomers! How's that?

I know you may think I am making light of your post. Trust me, anything but that. Please remember that life is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest, everyday. Try not to worry about tomorrow, next week, next year, or the year after. Enjoy today! After all, we are not promised tomorrow. Just NOW.

One thing I do when I get down is to make myself find at least three things I am grateful for. Three usually leads to five, five to ten and so forth and so on. Before I know it, I realize I am happy again and grateful for the NOW. Hey... you have a singing career to look forward to! There's 1 [Big Grin]