My father is a wonder to me. My mother has been gone now for almost 6 years, and his sister just died yesterday. He is upset, but strong and always there for anyone who needs it. He was at the hospital yesterday to visit her when he was told that she had just died by the nurses in the SICU recovery room, and he was there with her husband immediately after and the entire time until their son and his famiy got there. Today, he is going to the funeral home with my uncle and cousin to make the arrangements for the cremation. He is worried about Uncle Cal more than himself. When my husband died, he was right here, and when I had my surgery, he was here to take care of me 24/7 until I got better (took 6 months!)My father is a wonderful man, and I hope that someday somebody will tell me that I am like him. It would be the best compliment that anyone could give me. He is patriotic, compassionate, caring, kind, hardworking and loving; he is one of the best people I have ever known.