I recently attended a Women of Faith convention in Philadelphia and was fortunate enough to hear Lisa Beamer speak. WOW!!! To jog your memory, her husband, Todd, was the man on United Flight 93, who took over the plane that was intended to strike the White House. Meeting Lisa was such a humbling experience. She is the mother of 3 children, one of whom was born since 9-11. I was in awe of her presence, sense of calm, and faith. I was fighting back the tears as I listened to her story of trusting God to give her the strength to get from one day to the next. She compared her 2 year old son's temper tantrums, and desire to run rampid in a parking lot without holding her hand... to the times when she runs rampid, throwing temper tantrums without holding her savior's hand. Lesson learned...hand holding is best!

After listening to her speak, I felt compelled to get her book. The line to get an autographed copy was way too long so I immediately hit the book store when I got home. I even bought it without getting a discount. That is something I rarely do these days! Anyway, the book is worth the read and the full price I paid for it! It is hard to believe how faithful she is, but I am convinced it's because she was raised in the faith and prepared for this. You will be amazed at how she takes one day at a time, and continues to live by God's grace alone. She is very frank and talks about her moments of despair without Todd being around to help her raise their children...heartwrenching! But by books end you have the sense that Lisa will be okay because she has the love of God and a loving support group of family and friends! I am trying to figure out a way to get my three teens to read this. Maybe they will have a better understanding of why we are raising them in the faith.