When I first became a Christian I had a major "pow wow" with God about my kids and giving them over to him. He won, I'm glad, and now we are back there again - huh- would'a thought I would have learned! But YES unloading my burdens to Him is the answer, He is the one to take care of my kiddos, ultimately, forever, not me. Ever read C.S.Lewis's "The Great Divorce" (I think that's the one) where the mother can't make her way to the promised land because of her "maternal desires" are too strong, wrongly too strong (apparentely there is such a thing!). I have found that telling God THE TRUTH about how I'm feeling does -set me free- if I tell Him I don't want my kids to leave...I don't wan't to grow old...I don't understand...HE does answer me. And I do get peace. And you are right, you got to do this every day!